31May, 2017

Best PR Pitch Tactics

public relations, Best PR Pitch Tactics-Public Relations and Communications Business Portal News Indonesia

By: Amanda Diah – PR Consultant of Fortune PR

“All media wants to deliver a content that is relevant to their audience. In other words, they choose the stories that are newsworthy. If you want your media pitch to get the spotlight, your pitch should be perfect and valuable for the journalists. Consider your targeted media and learn their characteristic and writing style. Each media has their own characteristics and values, so make sure that your story can go in line with the content and types of the targeted media. Then, add quotations for credibility, and include the 5 W’s (Who? What? When? Where? Why?) to give a news angle for your release. Last, keep it timely and up to date. You’re not the only one who competes for a place in the media, so you better make your pitch unique and appealing. Now go out there and try it!”

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