30Aug, 2017

Why Building Top of Mind Awareness Still Matters

public relations, Why Building Top of Mind Awareness Still Matters-Public Relations Portal and Communications Business News Indonesia

By: Muhammad Arif – Account Manager of Fortune PR


Let’s play a game! Think about any brand that comes to your mind when a particular item is mentioned: instant noodle, toothpaste, and mineral water…. Go!

Chances are you’ll be thinking about Indomie, Pepsodent, and Aqua. This is because the first name that comes to your mind is the ‘top of mind’. Did you know that customers are making buying decisions every day based on what comes to mind?

The essential of a strong brand is to build your brand as the top of mind awareness. What is top of mind awareness? Top of mind awareness influences consumers to think of your business or product first to fulfill their needs above all others. It refers to a brand or specific product being first in customers’ minds when thinking of a particular industry or category.

There are two conditions in which a brand can be qualified as a top of mind. You must continuously provide great products and services to its customers. Your brand must present a unique selling point by showing something different and attractive to its target market. You must also expose your brand to your target market. The more often you tell people about something, the more familiar it becomes to them. As you increase the exposure, you will build brand awareness, and that is the ultimate goal.

From an insightful article on How to Build a Brand, we learn deeper about building a top of mind awareness and why it matters:

  1. Make an emotional connection

Know what emotional experience your ideal consumer’s is hoping to encounter or avoid, and then find ways to deliver that. Emotional experience is essential in making your brand stick in your consumer’s hearts and minds.


  1. Remain present and be available

Study shows that a person will have to be exposed to a brand message approximately 20 times before they can make a purchase. After your target market has become aware of your brand, they will want to learn more about it. So you must make your brand accessible by using tactics like building a website or social media pages. Your brand must be available for the consumers, otherwise the next brand coming to the market will be the greatest brand.


  1. Consistently offer value

Your customers should all feel your brand value when they interact with your brand. To do this, you can use blogs and social media to provide an informative description about your brand and create an engagement.


  1. Be unique

Don’t just imitate your competitor’s concept. Find another creative way to expose your brand and be unique. Find an out of the box concept to attain the top of mind status and stand out from the competition.


  1. Create a Buzz

The best way to get attention is to get people to talk about your brand. But in order to do so, you must study their behavior. Find out what they like to talk about and make them buzz about your brand. What will interest your consumers? What will make them glued to you? What will make them recommend you to their friends and family?


Now get out there and put these 5 strategies to work for you, and see how your brand evolves to getting the recognition it deserves.

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