Tag: verbrand

03Dec, 2014

What is Brand?

By: Amanda Putri Komunikasi merupakan hal penting yang menjadi sarana untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Salah satu bagian utama dalam komunikasi adalah brand. Brand dapat mengacu ke berbagai hal, tidak melulu mengacu kepada produk, tetapi sebuah kota, acara, bahkan diri kita sendiri...

29Oct, 2013

Indonesia Consumer Care of Quality, Fortune PR Seriously Develop Client Brand

JAKARTA, 29 October 2013 –Along with rigors competition, companies must pay attention to quality and uniqueness of their product and service. Good quality and ability of a brand to fulfill unique needs of consumer is a key to win the competition around the world. This was revealed by a...

23Oct, 2013

Konsumen Indonesia Semakin Peduli Kualitas

Fortune PR Serius Kembangkan Merek Klien JAKARTA, 22 Oktober 2013 – Seiring dengan makin kerasnya persaingan, perusahaan harus makin fokus memperhatikan kualitas dan keunikan jasa dan produknya. Keunggulan kualitas dan kemampuan sebuah merek memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen yang unik menjadi kunci kemenangan para pemimpin pasar di berbagai belahan dunia. Hal...

22May, 2012

Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken

The key success factor of every company lies on how they differentiate themselves against others. It is crucial to know exactly how you are unique or different compared to others, especially in the early stage of a business development, as it is more complicated to change public’s perception about...

03Apr, 2012

Formulation of a Brand (Introduction to Branding)

When brand owners are asking consultants for a ‘new brand’, they mean ‘new name, logo, symbols, icons, new look and feel for their current name – “. People often think that brand is just about the imagery, outlook, and tangible features of the name. However, the true definition of...